Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Pros and Cons of Facebook


This article discusses the Pros and Cons of Social Networking sites such as Facebook. I found this article very intriguing because it talks about how easily people relay private personal information and the click of a button, regardless of who is able to see it. Although it allows shy people the opportunity to be friendly and make friends online, it also allows hackers to spam your accounts and potentially ruin your life. Although it allows businesses to grow and prosper by connecting through other forms than email, it also can lead to infidelities in marriages. To me, the Cons most definitely trump the Pros and makes me think twice of what i post and how private i make my accounts.


  1. I do see the pros and cons of social media, but I agree with you completely that the cons do outweigh the pros. I think our private life is private for a reason, and should not be shared on a public site for everyone to see. I think everyone feels that since it is not a face to face interaction that they can say whatever they want online, but that is not true. People often use person information against each other and that is why it should not be put online.

  2. With social networking like Facebook I feel it can be a blessing and a curse. Just like you wrote it can allow those of shy nature to break out of their shell but at the same time I feel that it prevents young teens and children who use social networks for learning proper social skills. I 100% agree that social networking/media has it pros and cons with one not outweighing the other.
